Company managerment

1. Add new the company

There are 2 ways to add new company:

1st method: Add new the company in the room details

1 step: Room detail >  select the symbol  on the right select company

2 step: At the additional company, company codes, company names are required to fill in the information, you can be filled or not. When completing the company information, click Save to complete

Note: Company codes used to distinguish company from each other, the hotel can create their owner code of the company. The company code is an unsigned number or script. The company codes are not identical.

2nd method: add new the company in the configuration

Note: Only the owner or manager account can do this

1 step: Select the symbol > select configuration > select Booking source

2 step: Select add company > Fill information the same as the 1st method > Save

The hotel may choose the source for that company to be categorized by booking, helping to sort the source of bookings on reports

2. Edit the company information

  • To edit the company information, you are on the company in the configuration > select the company to edit> Edit> Save (The same as creating new company)
  • To stop using/delete company > select the company stop using/delete > select to stop, select to delete


  • Only the owner or the manager account can do this.
  • The generated company code can not be edited
  • The company that is related to the reservation couldn’t delete, can only be stopped.





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