Room Management

Note: Only the owner or the manager account can do this

Các bước thao tác: Following these steps:

To the configuration

Select the 3-tile icon  > select configuration>select Room & Price > select Room/Bed



 Room management operations

1. Adding rooms

Select all > select    at the floor to add

Fill a room name (rooms of number),  select room category, tick/ un-tick using key > Save


Note: The room use of a lock, the codes (this is optional information) often to match the room name

2. Editing rooms

Only perform when the available room, without guests, check-in

Seclect all > select edit room > select Edit

In the details of the room, the hotel can do editing name/ room of number, room category, floor, without use lock

3. Stopping/ using the room

The hotel connected with CMS, BE, Onelnventory, after stopping the room for the operations re-sync available rooms  
Hướng dẫn đồng bộ phòng trống

Select all > select edit room > select stop > select confirm

After confirming, the room color is grey

Re-using a room by choosing a room to stop> select activity

4. Deleting rooms

The hotel connected with CMS, BE, Onelnventory, after stopping the room for the operations re-sync available rooms
Hướng dẫn đồng bộ phòng trống

Select all > select edit room > select delete > select confirm

5. Arranging rooms

Help to view the rooms on a detailed, simple & timeline without reversed position (a large number of rooms in front of small rooms)

Select all > select arrange room > click a room to select > Save







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